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Prophecy of Nostradamus: research. Chronology 1999-2034.
Century and

 number of the quatrain

Year  performance (plus or minus 1.5 years)
Quatrain Comment
I-XXXVII 1999  

Slightly earlier than the sun darken
Start a conflict, a great nation will be in doubt,
Defeated, the seaport will not respond,
 Bridge and the tomb are two strange / foreign / local.  


Shortly before the landmark solar eclipse on Aug. 11, 1999 to begin the conflict - NATO aggression against Yugoslavia, where the Balkan country will be defeated
III-XIII 2001  

By lightning on a ship / the ark / will be melted gold and silver
Of two captives one will eat the other.
From the city at the very large distance,
 When will float the sunken fleet.  


Lightning - a flying plane.  The Ark - the building is on the ocean.  Gold and Silver said the wealth and it will be melted.  Two captive - is two skyscrapers.  One skyscraper fell, shook the earth and caused a fall in the second.  Fleet Sunk - The Ark (skyscrapers) destroyed ...  2001, New York.
II-II 2003 The blue head will cause a white head
 As much evil as France has done them good,
Who died in the antenna, the great man will be hanged on a tree,
 When the King will say how much his or people close /
He took a [prisoner].
Perhaps this description of events associated with Saddam Hussein.  In 2003 he was arrested in 2006 - was executed.  Were killed by his sons.

The leader of Scotland, with six of Germany
 Will be captured sailors East
 They cross the Capri and Spain,
Will present a new fearful king of Persia.


Perhaps this quatrain also said the capture of Iraqi leader.
II-LXVII 2006  

Blond Krivonosov cause for a duel
And run him out of town,
 It will force the city to let the exiles,
 In the seaports of collecting the most powerful.


Taking into account the time the error quatrain may refer to 2008, and specifically - the Russian-Georgian war. "Blonde" may be a general description of the Russian (blond) people, "Krivonos" - a description of the Georgians (no offense to him will be said:)). We find that the Russian (Medvedev) is a Georgian Saakashvili to a duel, chase him out of the city (Tskhinvali), forcing the city to let the exiles (Ossetian refugees), all collected by the Black Sea Navy of the Russian Federation.
I-LVI 2008 You'll see sooner or later a big change.
Extreme filth and vindictiveness,
When the moon will lead her angel
Sky close to the slopes .
Big changes really came in 2008 as a global financial crisis.  Perhaps this is a turning point in world history, from which the "abomination" condemnation "will only multiply.
II-XXXII 2009  

Great people dumping Aquitaine
 Close to Tuscany
 When Mars is at the corner of German
And in the land regent of Mantua.


Grand burial of the Polish people close to Katyn, where there are graves of people buried in a time when Germany was militaristic.
II-XXI 2011


Ambassador, who arrived at the trireme,
Halfway stop unknown.
He can get help from four triremes,
 In the Black Sea / Negreponte / prepared chains and ropes.


Mysterious quatrain. Referred to the Black Sea.  Possible that the Russian Black Sea Fleet will be involved in some events.
III-XCVII 2012,6 The new law will take a new earth.
In the [area] of Syria, Judea and Palestine.
Big Empire barbarians fall,
 Before Apollo determine its age.


Can not exclude a major war in the Middle East.
I-X 2013

Snakes to waste in an iron cage,
Where to put seven children of the King.
 The old men come out of the depths of hell
To see how their children are dying / their fetus / death and screams.

 Emotional quatrain, perhaps describing the tragedy with many victims.
II-LXXXVI 2014 Shipwreck Fleet in the Adriatic waves.
The earth trembles, excited blast / air, hit the ground?.
Egypt trembles, increases [region] of Muhammad
Crier cries for the return of faith /?.


It is likely that this description is the continuation of a major war in the Middle East with the participation of the Arab world.  The second line indicates the possibility of using nuclear weapons.
I-LXXV 2016

Tyrant of Siena will occupy Savona,
 Go to the conquered fortress fit navy.
Two armies under the banner of Ancona,
 From cowardice leader ponders [what to do?].

The fighting with the Navy.
III-LI 2017 Paris was plotting to commit more murders,
 Blois will cause it to go into full swing events
Residents of Orleans will want to give their leader / return of their leader /
 Angers, Troyes, Langres will cause them harm.


France plans to war (murder).
II-XL 2019

Shortly after a short respite
 At sea and on land will be a big commotion / Big Noise /
 More will be a battle at sea,
 Most animals suffer from fire
 / Lights, animals, most inflict injury.

Intense fighting, particularly at sea.
I-XXIX 2021

Fish that live in water and on land,
Huge wave will be thrown on the shore,
 Its shape, a strange, attractive and awesome.
Soon from the sea to the walls of [the city] will approach the enemies.

Perhaps the description of the amphibious assault.
III-V 2022

Close [and] far from failure / lack / of the two lamps,
 That will happen between April and March.
 About how expensive!  But two great benefactor / good man /
Bring help everywhere, on land and at sea.

The appearance of two peacekeepers.
I-XCIV 2024 The port Celine tyrant betray death
 But freedom will not be attained at,
New Mars revenge and causes remorse
 Dame honored the power of fear.


Continuation of the war.  Murder of one of its instigators.  The last line says the popularity of Nostradamus in a difficult time for humanity (translated from fr. Nostradamus sounds almost like "Our Lady").
III-LXX 2026 Great Britain, including England,
 Will be flooded by high waters,
 New League of Avzon start a war,
 They will each.


Quatrain says anything about flooding in England, or of much bloodshed on its soil.   War breaks out with renewed vigor.
II-LIX 2028

Gallic fleet supports a large Guard
 Soldiers of the Great Neptune and his trident.
 Provence exhausted by maintaining a large gang
Mars destroys Narbonne / Narbona? / Spears and darts.

France participates war on its side a powerful ally, the owner of the Sea (possibly U.S.), although this is a country tired of war.

Pass / pass when ... / twenty years of the reign of the Moon
 Then another seven thousand years to extend its authority
 / Seven thousand years another will keep its monarchy /
When she gets tired and it will replace the Sun
 / When the sun will take her weary days /
Then it must be done my prophecy.

"This quatrain is one of the most recent in my prophecy," - says Nostradamus

Much confusion in [an attempted] Indeed,
Loss of people, the vast treasure
 You should not even pay attention to it / pressure /
 France, for my words to do so that you remember.

 France participates in the war, has huge losses.
II-XIII 2033

Body without a soul will no longer be sacrificed
Day of death will be his birthday,
 The divine spirit will make the soul happy,
Seeing the verb in its infinity.


At this time, will be deceived Cyprus
 [Denied] in assistance to residents of the Aegean Sea,
 Old people would be killed, but honey, and money /? /
 Will be tempted to King, the Queen was offended.


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