"But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only" (Matf.24: 36);
"... And they shall prophecy: your sons and your daughters, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions ... before that comes God day, the great and terrible" (Joel 2: 28-31)

Русская версия





Monk Avel
St. Seraphim of Sarov
Lavrentiy of Chernigov
St. Ignatiy Bryanchaninov and others
Vitaliy Ustinov and others
Hieromonk Porphyry, and others
Seraphim Vyrickiy and others
Fathers of the Church of the last times and the Antichrist
Pelageya of Ryazan and others




Part of the information taken from the site



In referring to the first three Centuries each quatrain has a date when he turns. Dates are calculated on a strict mathematical formula, which we conventionally call "by Caesar." The study of this hypothesis have been found many matches with real events at this time. This information is published for the first time.

Сentury1 Сentury2 Сentury3

Prediction of a coronavirus epidemic

Two lamps will defeat the epidemic

Nostradamus on the independence of Scotland and the fate of Britain

Formula Caesar

Chronology of the 1999-2034 years

Forecast for 2016 based on the predictions of Nostradamus

Forecast for 2017 based on the predictions of Nostradamus

Forecast for 2018 based on the predictions of Nostradamus

Forecast for 2019 based on the predictions of Nostradamus

Forecast for 2020 based on the predictions of Nostradamus

Forecast for 2021 based on the predictions of Nostradamus

Forecast for 2022 based on the predictions of Nostradamus

Forecast for 2023 based on the predictions of Nostradamus

Forecast for 2024 based on the predictions of Nostradamus

Forecast for 2025 based on the predictions of Nostradamus

Predictions about Ukraine




Similarities and differences in the predictions of Nostradamus and Christian visionaries


The "Space": live broadcast from the ISS view of Earth from space


  Research study by Boris Voronov

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