Century III

quatrain XXXII

Great people dumping Aquitaine
Close to Tuscany
When Mars is at the corner of German
And in the land regent of Mantua.

Comment. It is not excluded that this quatrain refers to the tragedy at Smolensk, which killed most of the leadership of Poland. This is indicated by our calculations - quatrain refers to 2009, but taking into account the error in 2008-2010. In the first line we are talking about the great burial. Knowing that the Polish delegation was followed by burial without a great exaggeration in the Katyn forest, we emphasize another coincidence. The line "When Mars is at the corner of the German" can be understood as follows: "When Germany in the war." This may indirectly indicate that it is a great dumping occurred, around the time when Germany was at war. The time of burial in the Katyn forest - early 40-ies of XX century corresponds to the time of the Second World War, which was initiated by Germany. Well, the last. Names such as Tuscany and Mantua, as well as Aquitaine people should not be taken literally. Known to one of the rules interpretation of Nostradamus - the rule of false topography, which suggests that the forecaster was referring to are not the same city or area, and sometimes people about whom he wrote. One of the most striking examples - Aquilon - north wind (Latin) - y Nostradamus symbol of Russia. We also note that the name "Tuscany" and "Katyn" composed of nearly the same letters. (It is known that Nostradamus has used in their predictions anagram). Further conclusions can do for yourself ... Someone might say that before the crash could not have been on the quatrains suggest that to happen. And I honestly agree with them. However, believe me, this is not always



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