Seraphim Vyritskiy:
1. Defined by the Lord to the Russian people punished for their sins, and yet the Lord have mercy on Russia, it is senseless to go against His will. Gloomy night long cover the Russian land, much lies ahead of suffering and sorrow. Therefore, the Lord teaches us patience possess ye your souls.

2. The time will come when no persecution, and the money and the charm of this world will turn away people from God and die to more souls than in the days of open rebellion. On the one hand, it will set up crosses and gilded domes, while the other - will come the kingdom of lies and evil. The true Church will always be persecuted, and escape will be possible only through sorrows and diseases. Persecution will also be taking the most sophisticated, unpredictable. It is terrible to live up to these times. We thank God, not live, but at the same time from the Kazan Cathedral the procession will go to the Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

3. It will take storm over the Russian land.
Russian people the Lord to forgive sins
And the beauty of God's holy Cross
At the temple of God shine again.

Will be re-opened around the monastery
And faith in God all connect
And the church bells all of our Holy Russia
From the sleep of sin to salvation awake.

Terrible hardships fade away
His enemies Russia will win.
And the name of a Russian, a great nation
As thunder thunder across the universe!

4. If the Russian people will not come to repentance, it may happen that the rise again brother against brother.

5. When East gain strength, all will become unstable. Number - on their side, but not only that: they work sober and industrious people, and we have a drink ...

6. There will come a time when Russia will tear apart. First, it will be shared, and then begin to plunder the wealth. The West will do everything to facilitate the destruction of Russia, and given time to the eastern part of China. Far East will clear up to the hands of the Japanese, and Siberia - the Chinese, who will move to Russia to marry the Russian and eventually guile and cunning will take the territory of Siberia to the Urals. When China wish to go further and oppose the West would not allow.
East will be baptized in Russia. The whole world of heaven and those on the ground, understand this. pray for the enlightenment of the East.

7. Many countries have become enemies of Russia, but she will survive, having lost most of their lands. This is a war about which the Holy Scripture and the prophets speak, will cause the unification of mankind. People will realize that it is impossible to live on, otherwise all living things die - this is the threshold of the reign of the Antichrist.
Then comes the persecution of Christians. When the trains will go to Russia from the cities, it is necessary to have time to be among the first, as many of those who remain will die.

8. - Dear Father! How good it is now - the war is over, the bells started to ring again in the churches ...
- No, it's not all. There will be more fear than it was. You may find it. It will be very
difficult to remove the young military clothing. Who else will survive? Who else will live? (These words are repeated three times Seraphim). But who will remain alive - which will have the good life ...

9. Saving the world - from Russia, St. Petersburg will be the spiritual center of the country.

10. Jerusalem becomes the capital of Israel. And over time it should become the capital of the world. For there is the true center of the Earth, there was crucified and resurrected Savior of the world.

11. There will come a time when Russia is in a spiritual flowering. Opened many temples and monasteries, even the Gentiles will come to us to be baptized of such ships. But it is not long - 15 years, then the antichrist is coming.

Paisiy Athonite:
1. Thought tells me that there will be many events: the Russian occupy Turkey, Turkey will disappear from the map, because the Turks will be third Christian, one third will die in war, and a third will go to Mesopotamia.
Middle East will become the arena of war, which will include Russian. Shed much blood, the Chinese will move the Euphrates River, with two hundred millionth the army, and will reach Jerusalem. A characteristic feature that these events are coming, will be the destruction of the mosque of Omar, as its destruction would mean the start of works on reconstruction of the Jews of Solomon's temple, which was built exactly on the spot.
In Constantinople, the great war will occur between the Russian and European, and shed much blood. Greece will not play in this war, the primary role, but she would give Constantinople. Not because the Russian will be awed by the Greeks, but because they did not find a better solution, and agree together with Greece, where they will press hard circumstances. The Greek army will not have time to come back to the city will be given to her. The Jews, because they will have the strength and support of the European leadership, will behave and  with shamelessness and pride, and try to control Europe. Then two thirds of Jews would be Christians.
Unfortunately, in today's theology pushed people who have no relationship to the Church and with absolutely worldly sophistry that say different things and make impermissible action, to deliberately remove their position on the Christian faith. <...>
They will build many intrigues, but after a persecution that followed, Christianity entirely united. However, not united as they like, those who satisfied the various machinations of the world, "the union of churches," wanting to be led by a religious leadership. Christians come together, because the present situation will branch sheep from the goats. Then realized in practice, "one flock and one shepherd" ...

2. When you hear that the Turks Euphrates dam on the upper cover and use it for irrigation, then know that we are already logged in to the great preparation that war, and thus is prepared the way for two hundred millionth troops from sunrise, according to Revelation.
Among the preparations, there is this: to dry up the Euphrates River that could pass a numerous army. Although, if two hundred million Chinese, when arriving there, drink one cup of water, they will dry Euphrates! I was told that the Chinese army now stands at two hundred million, ie a specific number, which is described by St. John in Revelation. The Chinese have even prepared the way, which is called a "miracle era": its width is such that it easily passed by thousands of soldiers, arranged in a row. And this time they've brought it up to the borders of India.
It must, however, a lot of attention and enlightened pure intellect in order to enable us to distinguish signs of the times, because, somehow, everything happens so that they can not distinguish between those who do not care about purifying the heart, and, as a result of easily mistaken.

3. They came here and some have begun to speak to me, that would be a war, and that the Turks will be included in Greece, and that we chase for six miles to Corinth, explaining the mistake, broken their thoughts, Cosma Etoliyskiy prophecy: "The Turks will go away but come back and reached up to area six miles. In the end they were driven away to the Red Apple Trees. The Turks third die and another third sign of the cross and the last third will go to the Red Apple. " <...> It is - true. <...> Area six miles, which says Saint Cosma - is six miles of the sea shelf. This is an issue for which we have in recent years, nibbling with Turkey, and it will be the case, because we "grasp." But they will not be included in Hellas: they will move only at these six miles, and then they will find a great evil from the north, as the Scripture says, and "will have no direct". One-third of the Turks would be killed, a third will take Christianity, and the rest will go far in Asia. We are in no way suffer from the Turks. Some unimportant things destroyed, and they will find God's wrath.

4. The Europeans are doing now, for the Turks, independent of where Muslims live (Bosnia and Herzegovina). See, however, that Turkey will share the noble way: rebel Kurds and Armenians, and Europeans need to make independent and these nations. Then tell Turkey: we'll do me a favor there, now this way should get independence the Kurds and Armenians. So "noble" section on the part of Turkey.

5. Constantinople take back, but not us. We, due to the fact that sank most of our young people are not capable of that. However, God will arrange so that others will take his city, and give us - as a solution to your problem.

6. Turkey will collapse. There will be war for two and a half years. We (Greeks) will be the winners, because we - Orthodox.
(As for damage, whatever), at most, one or two of the island would take, and we will give, and Constantinople.

7. In this war all come out winners. The Greek army will be a spectator. No one will return victorious. The arena will be Palestine, their tomb - the Dead Sea. This will be the first in half a. But it will be half a second and: after these events, people come to despair, and then everything will be studying the Gospel and Scripture. Christ will spare the world and will sign for the faith. then almost all will be faithful <...>
A lot of thunderstorms was Greece, but even more will be! Greece in no way be affected, because God loves her. In Asia Minor we had a lot of relics. On each piece of land you will find relics. Take the Saint Sophia and open the gates. These gates nobody knows ... we shall see, but what will? What will be the minarets next? <...> They will be the pillars for the Stylite, and will hang a rosary to bottom: <...>
Leaders of this war will be the Jews. Many will promote and Dad, because all the children of the devil will be his (ie the pope) and he tells them to follow the Antichrist. Therefore, St. Cosmas said: "The Pope curse, because it will cause." The Holy Pope meant that particular time, which will help the Antichrist placement. Other than the Pope to him seem good.

8. Now trying to destroy the faith and to faith building collapsed, slowly removed stone by stone. However, it is responsible for the destruction of all of us: not only those who takes the stones and the ruins, but we saw how destroyed (faith) and not making efforts to strengthen its ... Later, God save us, the corrupters ( intentionally) create difficulties to us, ashamed of other people, monasteries. Church, monasticism embittered them, because they interfere with their plans ...
In the old days, if someone from the pious monks spend time worrying about the world situation, it should have been locked in a tower. Now the opposite: a reverent monks should be locked up in a tower, if he is not interested and not a fan of the state that prevailed in the world. Because previously, those who ran had a God, then as now, many of those who govern, it does not believe. Now many who seek to put all: family, youth, the Church. Today, interest and worry for the state in which our nation is - this confession, because the state is fighting against the divine law. The laws, which it accepts, directed against the Law of God ... Now in order to destroy an avalanche of evil requires bombing ...

9. However, there will be many events. It is possible that you will suffer many things, as described in the Apocalypse. Slowly climbs out a lot. And I, unhappy, and began to cry yet how many years ago! The situation terribly, terribly! The madness has passed (all) of the border. There was apostasy (departure), and now has only come to "son of perdition." (World) turns into a madhouse. Sheer confusion will reign, among which each state will do what he wants. God forbid that the interests of those who make politics have been beneficial to us. Every now and then we'll hear something new. We see the occurrence of the most incredible, most insane event. (Good only), that these events will succeed each other very quickly.
Ecumenism, common market, one big country, one religion, tailored to their measure. These are the plans for these devil. Zionists are already preparing for someone in a messiah. For them, the Messiah will be king, that is, he will reign here on earth. Jehovah's Witnesses are also waiting for an earthly king. The Zionists represent their king, and his Jehovah's Witnesses will accept. They all recognize him as king, will say: "Yes, this is it." There will be a great confusion. In the turmoil all want a king who could save them. And then they nominated a man who says, "I - Imam, I - the fifth Buddha, I - Christ, whom Christians expect, I'm the one waiting for Jehovah's Witnesses, I - the Messiah of the Jews." He will have five "I".

10. He will be the people of Israel as the Messiah and deceive the world. Hard times come, we are waiting for the big test. Christians will suffer great persecution. Meanwhile, it is obvious that people do not even realize that we are already experiencing the signs (the last) time that the seal of Antichrist becoming a reality. As if nothing happens. Therefore, the Scriptures say that deceive the very elect. Those in whom no good location, will not receive enlightenment from God and deceive during the apostasy. Because someone who has no Divine Grace, has no spiritual clarity, it does not have it, and the devil. <...>
(Zionists) want to rule the world. In order to achieve their goal, they use witchcraft and Satanism. To worship Satan, they are seen as a force that will help in implementing their plans. So, they want to rule the world by satanic forces. God, they do not take into account. However, whether their blessings with God? From all this, God will reveal a lot of good. The old theory of Satanic ruled for seventy years, but these do not last long and seven.

11. And then who would not be captured 666, will neither sell nor buy, borrow or get a job. Counsel tells me that this system of the Antichrist wants to subjugate the entire world. People - whether they are red, black or white - are out of this system may not be able to become social outcasts. Thus (the Antichrist) will be imposed by the system, which controls the world economy, and only those who will print - the mark of 666, will be able to enter into trade relations.

12. Little by little, after the introduction of cards and identity cards, that is, making personal files, they are sly way begin to spray print. With a variety of tricks people will be forced to take seal on the forehead or hand. They arrange for people trouble and say, "Only use credit cards, money vanish away." In order to buy something, people will give a map to the seller in a store and the store owner will receive the money from his bank account. Someone who will not be cards, will neither sell nor buy. And, on the other hand, they will advertise a "perfect system": Behind the eye the mark of 666 on the forehead and hand. At the same time on television will show you how someone took someone else's card and was on her money in the bank. <...>
Three and a half years will be difficult. Those who do not agree with this system will not be easy. They will try to plant in jail, constantly finding this some new excuse. <...>
(Prior to stamp the power), they do not reach because of politeness. After all, they will be correct, as befits the Europeans. They show higher nobility! Torture people, they will not, however, without the press, people can not live. <...> Prolong the harassment did not last long, three, three and a half. Sake of the elect few days will be reduced, they will not even notice, as the years pass. God will not leave people without help.
(Christ will intervene in what happens in these difficult years.) Here you see there, as a person with a good location, but it is subject to insults, often sacred, holy Mother of God, Christ, in order to save it. How much more will God now, when poor people are in this predicament. Now break out a storm comes a brief dictatorship of the Antichrist, Satan. And then Christ intervenes, asks a good thrashing all this anti-Christian system, the evil will be trampled by him, and he will eventually turn it into good.

13. Today, the logic of "wise men" seduces people. People loved these benefits and imposed themselves on a bond. Knowing that the three sixes (in the barcode UPS (Universal Product Code) - this is a sign of the devil, they still allow both sign their products. This is a signature. Another thing, if someone does not know that he has a devilish mark (on the bank card, for example) because he knows he is not the answer. But if you know what is responsible for it in full!
The European Common Market will not be strong, because it includes people with different traditions.

14. The Lord of the case draws some benefit ... This European Economic Community (EEC). Behind this Zionist dictatorship itself. But the Lord and turn it into good. And they do not achieve their goals. The Communists have been so many years in power - and could not resist. Managed (Russia) 72. And the Zionists, you know how many years already working on this? 250! But do not hold out, and seven years.

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