Blessed  Pelageya Ryazan:
1. In Russia, will be the time at which all the churches open. <...> But then the churches will serve as a spectacle for the people. The people will not know to pray, and people will idols. He who prays little, cold, dull, somehow, without the fear of God is an idol. (the prediction was made at the time of Khrushchev)

2. In recent times, in every Christian will be a hundred or more witches! <...> How many books and Arcane magic under the leadership of the Jews throughout the world produce? Soon we will lie in heaps!

3. In recent times, all the people will be sick, what will be the death! All because people will not cross baptized! <...> Before the Antichrist will be all diseases of the devil, in which the legs, ceasing to be baptized, give yourself people! From the God of death will not be: kill or be demons, or the servants of Antichrist.
The whole world is the Russian people evil and death, wants to destroy it to the ground all the ways and means!

4. It will be great tribulation, the Antichrist will be when the servants to deprive the faithful of food, jobs, pensions ... Will moan, cry, and much more ... Many will die, leaving only strong in the faith that the Lord will choose, and live to His Second Coming.
When the Lord allows to come to the Antichrist, then most of the clergy at once go to a different faith, and behind them and the people!
The Antichrist will bring a sacrifice of many people that are Satan for the cook, turning them into ruminant livestock! <...>
Food will not, water will not heat ineffable, stricken beast, at every step will be to hang
corpses ... <...>
Most people in the world of hunger from the Antichrist will print very few who do not wish to. This seal will seal all have accepted it for the grace of repentance, that is, they will never be able to repent and go to hell!
Food for adopting a seal of Antichrist enough for only six months, and then they will begin the great tribulation, they will seek death and shall not find!

5. The Russian people will choke all means! And Adventists - Satanic beliefs - the green light! In our country will be so many suicides! Still to come! Hunger and famine in - cannibalism! War, and then choose the Antichrist!
Do your care, so the Lord delivered from Sodom sin. Satan will instruct shame that sin especially the clergy and monks! <...> (This sin) will be distributed on a large scale, it is - sodomy!
Antichrist doctrine is different from the orthodox teaching of Christ only to those that would deny the redemptive cross! - The righteous warned Pelagia of Ryazan - Seventh-day Adventists are the first enemies of the Cross of Christ! Many dioceses have already lost their bishop before God for what the lord does not interfere and do not expose the enemies of the Cross! Many stars had dropped from the sky, as foretold in Revelation (Rev. 6, 13), which is the Church lost many bishops to God! During this terrible misfortune befall Russia, many cities will be destroyed by God Himself, although they will open all the churches.

6. All the evil that will be concentrated in Russia, swept away the Chinese.

7. - What will happen with Moscow?
- In an instant the ground!
- What to St Petersburg?
- It will be called the sea!
- A Kazan?
- The sea!

8. What will happen on Russian soil? What grief is coming to us in the future? Sorcery cover the whole of Russia!

9. In the end times will remain in this world only seven churches, seven sanctuaries! The Lord Himself will take care of them until the Second Coming of his! That is, they will stand firmly in the right faith. And in other places will be so beat up that barely stay alive! Will then be a special cruelty of the believers, such that even the holy fathers could not describe!

10. Rich priests crucified the Lord! ..
Rich priests deposed King!.
Rich priests will lead us to the Antichrist!
For themselves draw conclusions ... Because most of the clergy and hated the King, that God does not love!
<...> The people soon will not know how to pray, and pray not. She said that she would soon be a worldwide belief that our clergy and for her to recover and prepare temples!
<...> Bishops allowed to preach in our Seventh-day Adventists, who the hell screws and deny the Holy Cross! That's what the goal is for our clergy: Antichrist open all the doors!
<...> Previously clergy preparing people for heaven, and now - to hell! The priesthood and the people do not know how to cross! Everything has been done intentionally!
Most clergy have no reason; God and people do not like! Everything was done the priesthood to the people prayed negligently, carelessly, though all the power in the sign of cross!

11. By the coming of the Antichrist Christians because of the priests will not understand the true teachings of Christ. <...> In recent times will increase pensions, and explained that it is - for an early arrival of the Antichrist.

12. The chief priests with the help of landowners overthrew the King! During that befell them: blood, torture, death! Their fate after death - the eternal fire! Say - not true! Yes it's true! Priesthood long ax that branch on which they sat, and so a great many of the clergy took the terrible suffering and, in spite of a martyr's death, went to hell! After all, they are freed from earthly throne of God's Anointed - for the Antichrist. Christians, do yourself a conclusion. Exhort one another, edify one another - these are the words of the Apostle (Fes. 5, 11, Heb. 3 11. 10, 25). And that in fact afraid to open your mouth!
The priesthood will lead people to hell! They need be. Would be going to hell yourself, and people would regret?
Most of the clergy wants to create a special church by human reason, not to glorify Christ of heaven! Bishops do not want to sanctify the law of the king! This is a departure from the decision of the Holy Ghost, which shall not be forgiven forever!
Lords themselves have reduced their oath not to serve the King and not to teach this people! Is the clergy did not know that this should not be? Know, but deliberately doing it!  Priesthood before Antichrist time almost all will die - the eternal fire!

13. The current clergy - from young to old - just waiting for the Antichrist to destroy themselves and the people! Clergy thinks about himself highly, but in the abyss they go? One has only to accept them and begin to praise the King of Heaven and His anointed - everything will be upside down, and life will come - honey and mammals!
<...> You can save Russia from the Antichrist, all in the hands of the patriarch and the bishops, but they are - a godless government!
Imagine how much we had priests at Kings! But the truth of life they could not find. Living the Truth in Christ will be found after the resurrection from the dead, St. Seraphim of Sarov! ..

Our priesthood before the Antichrist will deceive the people so that most of them will go to the new faith.

15. In the coronation of Antichrist in Jerusalem, the Jews will see him no fingernails and toenails. It will be immediately made ​​public among the Jews, and many of them will not put seal Antichrist.
Who will not print - the kingdom of heaven, and no other feats! Who decides - will be a devil in the flesh, and never repents - gets the eternal fire!

16. There will be three great miracles:
The first miracle - in Jerusalem - the holy resurrection from the dead patriarch Enoch, and the Holy Prophet Elijah in the third day after the murder of their anti-Christ!
The second miracle - the Holy Trinity St. Sergius Lavra, rise, reign of the Antichrist, St. Sergius. Rise from the crayfish comes in front of everyone to the Assumption Cathedral and then ascend to heaven! That would be a flood of tears here! Then, already at the monastery will do nothing of grace will not be!
A third miracle is in Sarov. God will resurrect St. Seraphim of Sarov, who will be alive - a respectable time. Who wishes he would see him alive! About how much will then wonders!
The relics of St. Seraphim's father are in Moscow for a pious old lady. Angel of the Lord, when need be, tells her to go to the Primate, and say that she had the relics of St. Seraphim. These relics bear on their shoulders through the Volgograd Kashira road through Mikhailov in Tambov, and thence to Sarov. In Seraphim of Sarov risen from the dead!
At a time when it might be held, the people will be darkness, and a great many sick healed! About his resurrection in Sarov will be announced on radio and television, and people will pay - the number!
At this time all over the world come to Sarov many foreigners, and the priesthood, and the simply curious. Everyone will believe in the resurrection of St. Seraphim: yea, verily, is the elder, who dedicated themselves to God on this earth, in this place! This world is about to be a miracle!
Seraphim from Sarov Monastery Diveyevsky go to walk. His Majesty will be accompanied by the latter with a royal priesthood, and the popular sea ... On the way to Diveevo Seraphim will create a lot of miracles, and in Diveevo too!
He will accuse the clergy of treachery and treason, to preach repentance to the whole world. Seraphim will explain the whole story, and will tell all expose pastors like babies, show them how to be baptized, and much more! ..
Even the Jews believe in the priest Seraphim, and through it - the Lord Jesus Christ! Imagine a picture of a shining sun around the world!

17. Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church shall depart from the truth of the Orthodox Faith, do not believe the prophecies of the resurrection of Russia! For their punishment will be raised from the dead, St. Seraphim of Sarov.
After so many wonderful miracles of new clergy will have the dedication to the Lord, that is to teach people to serve as a priest-king of hearts!
Jews did not accept the print will publish cruel laws against witchcraft, which themselves are implanted, and would themselves destroy all the witches to the last.
Antichrist-show in America. And he will bow the whole world, except the Imperial Orthodox Church, which at first will be in Russia! And then the Lord will give His little flock victory over the Antichrist and his kingdom!

18. This power will be changed before the Antichrist will reform ... And these will be back ... Communists! .. What a capitalist, communist that, everyone cares about himself ... The people only care the king. God will choose him! And almost all of the people, right now, spoiled people, then, chooses himself the Antichrist! .. This will be! .. Righteous scarcely be saved! ..

19. In recent times will be even greater persecution for our faith! .. Even with the tax take will be icons! All the evil forces took up arms against Russia, the true Orthodoxy!

20. During the persecutions - on the eve of the accession of the Antichrist - will be saved miraculously few temples! Go for example, armed thugs drive out of the Orthodox priests, to put in their place of heretics, but nothing will come! .. As soon as they reach up to a certain line of God, so dead and fall! When once again gain the godless and desperate send a second time, and on the same line will overtake death! .. At this point, they fear, will remove all traces of free publicity and to the boundary of the approach will not be ... Just outside are raging! .. So - by the grace of God - to those selected will be performed and the temples of His Sacraments!
There will be a defender of the Faith - King - the most intelligent man ... Preparing God Himself!

21. The Antichrist will take power and begin the persecution of Orthodoxy. And then the Lord will open their King in Russia. It will be the king's family and will be a strong defender of our faith! For a short time - two years and eight months. Serve this King will meet many people from all over the earth. Antichrist power in Russia, he would not allow himself shall give account to God for each of his loyal subject. When the Lord gives us this most intelligent man - life is good!

Nun Nila:
1. There will come a time when the Chinese attack us, and all will be very difficult. <...>
Lord, with fourteen years under the gun put to the front will lead kids. Remain in the homes of children and the elderly. The soldiers will go home and put all in the gun and drive to war. Looting and rioting those who have arms in their hands - and corpses littered the earth will be.

2. And remember, women wearing pants in the coming war will be drafted into the army - and few live to return.

3. Children, Mother of God will not leave Russia, She loves to Russia, to protect her, save her. Russia - the country of the Mother of God, and she will not let her ruin, intercede for us. After all, she likes to Russia! Russia will rise and will be a great spiritual country.
It will not allow the enemy to trample Russia, will not burn in the flames of fire!

4. The time will come when, as in the days after the October revolution, will drive the Christians into jail, booking and sink into the sea. When will the persecution of believers in a hurry to leave the first flow of departing into exile, caught for the wheels of trains, but do not stay. Those who leave first be saved.
You will see everything with my own eyes, your generation will meet the coming of the Antichrist.

5. Coming hunger. <...> Reserves will not be saved, because hunger will begin immediately. Every year, will become increasingly difficult, yields will fall, less land will be processed. Everyone should try to be closer to the ground. In big cities, life would be very difficult. Hunger comes such that people will get into the house to find food. Will hit the glass windows, breaking doors and kill people for food. Weapons will be in the hands of many, and human life is worthless.

6. In the coming Antichrist famine such that the grains will not be. I'll have to procure lime leaf, nettle and other herbs, dried, and then brew - this decoction would be enough for food.

7. By the end of times on the site of St. Petersburg will be the sea. Moscow also partially fails, there's plenty of voids under the ground.

Nun Makaria:
1. Soon people will go bad, go wheel. Okay to end of the world, and here - breaking the buildings and people, all mixed with dirt, will be knee-deep in blood to go.

2. The war will all be in the war, will fight with sticks, beat each other, many people are slaughtered. Sticks when they hit, will laugh, and when the gun hit - weep.

3. Dead as follows based, and we will head over heels. Will be no one to bury, so dumped in a pit and buried.

4. Frightening for us Chinese. The Chinese are very angry, would be cut without mercy. They take half the land, they are no more necessary. They do not have enough land.

5. You will soon be without bread. Soon the water will not be apples will not be potato will not. Hunger is a big, bread will not - divide the crust in half.

6. There will be a great uprising. On the floor (of cities) will be the people to disperse, the rooms will not sit. The rooms can not sit, do not become, even bread. And if you pray to the Savior, the Mother of God and the Prophet Elijah, they will not starve to death, will retain those who have believed God, and prayed earnestly.

7. Begin a poor harvest, when the monks will exile.

8. It is bad that we have come to the end of the world. It will soon be an end. Now little remains.

9. The Bible is printed, is wrong. They (apparently hypocrisy Jews) thrown out their concerns, they do not want to reproach.

10. Preparing to change faith. When this happens, the saints will not back down and pray for Russia. And those who have (of the faithful), the Lord will take to Himself. A bishop who is a permit, neither here nor there (in the next world) do not see the Lord.

11. Soon the service will be a half, will be reduced. Retain service only in large monasteries and other places will make the change. I am only one saying: Woe to the priesthood comes, scattering one by one and live. The churches in the red dress will be. Now Satan is crafty will all take.

12. When at four o'clock in the day will be as dark as night, the Mother of God and will come. It will pass around the earth, will in all his glory and come to Russia to build confidence. Mother of God will come - all caught up, not in their language (or the powers of sorcerers), and in his own image, as will command the Savior. The time will come so that everyone will think, not what he ate, and how to pray on this day. It will restore faith in a short time.

13. Such confusion will, and do not save the soul. Who will enter the church, will be recorded. For what God you pray for something and hunt. Need to pray that no one knew, pray quietly! Begin to pursue, collect. First, take away books, and then the icon. Icons will be selected. They will be tormented: "We do not need the believers." Next - worse, the church closed, the service will not, will be here and there. Leave out where to go, no go. And the cities, where the opinion that they do not interfere.

14. Church of these, which are built and repaired, go to the other companies will not benefit anyone. Registration will be tricky: they will be called the church, and there will not understand that their production will do that.

15. Who of God, the Antichrist will not see. Many will be open, where to go, where to go. Lord knows how to hide his, no one will find.

16. Soon everyone will be there: and the land nearby, and the sky nearby, there will be many, such owner will be. Mother said: "A little left to come down to earth with the Savior, bless all, and come on earth as paradise."

Mother Alypia Kiev:
1. The war will start the Apostles Peter and Paul. Will lie: there hand, there is a leg.
This happens when the body will suffer.

2. States will vary in terms of money. It will not be war, and punishment of peoples for their rotten state. Dead bodies lie mountains, no one will undertake to bury them. Mountains, hills, cleft, raze. People will cross from one place to another. There will be plenty of bloodless martyrs who will suffer for the Orthodox faith.

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