Predictions for 2023 * Forecast for 2023 based on the predictions of Nostradamus |
The year 2022 turned out to be difficult for all the inhabitants of the planet Earth. Let's recall the main past events.
Of course, the key event of 2022 was Russia's military operation in Ukraine. This led to a sharp aggravation of relations between Russia and Belarus on the one hand and the bloc of Western countries led by the United States on the other. But the world war by the grace of God has not yet happened. This partly indicates a certain stability of the world order. Because no one wants to start a nuclear conflict between the major powers. On the other hand, the beginning of such an active phase of the conflict in Ukraine speaks of the most serious contradictions between Russia and the NATO bloc. The further development of events depends on the will of the two sides, on their desires to achieve peace. It is also worth paying attention to other hot spots in the post-Soviet space, which have flared up over and over again throughout the year. These are Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, and Armenia and Azerbaijan. All these events suggest that certain forces are trying to distract Russia from its main goal in Ukraine by creating points of instability along its borders.
quatrain I-XXIX - 2021 year (or 2019-2023) Fish that lives in
water and on earth, qutrain III-V - 2022 year (or 2020-2024) Near [and] far is the insufficiency /absence/ of
two lamps, quatrain I-XCIV - 2024 year (or 2022-2026) In the port of Celine, the tyrant will be put to
death, For the sake of order, we have placed all the quatrains in the table and at the same time considered the implementation of the events described in the quatrains in 2022 and 2023
So, it remains for us to summarize and summarize the forecast for 2023. What is expected: 1. Continuation of the Covid-19 pandemic, but its extinction. 2. The possibility of hostilities in the Primorsky territory (Ukraine, Syria, etc.). Continuation of the war. This is indicated by as many as two quatrains out of three. Most likely there will be no peace yet. 3. The death of a certain tyrant. I will be very grateful if You can support the smallest amount You can leave your opinion about what you read in the guest book or ask a question. Visit the guestbook