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Nostradamus's prediction for 2018 * Forecast for 2018 based on the predictions of Nostradamus |
The forecast for 2018 for us will continue to play a role all the same 3 quatrain. In this sense, nothing has changed, both in General and in a situation in the world. Surprises we have not seen any in respect of Ukraine (as expected) nor in the situation in the middle East. However, we can pay attention to the care second quatrain II-LXXXVI, which tells us about the return of faith of Mohammed (here's a hint on radical Islam). In this case, we can see the satisfaction in that for 2017 not without the help of Russia was the territorial reduction of ISIS (Daesh). In other respects, despite the bellicose statements, the U.S. and the DPRK, on continuing sanctions against Russia, the situation was relatively calm. Well, let's take a look at the quatrains and try to do, and to tell the truth, to correct our analysis for 2017 to give a forecast for the year 2018. |
quatrain I-LXXV - 2016 (or 2014-2018) - remains relevant
Tyrant of
Siena take
Savona, The following 2 quatrain are the Central projection for 2018 quatrain III-LI in 2017 (or 2015-2019)
Paris is
plotting to commit more murders, quatrain II-XL - 2019 (or 2017-2021)
Soon after a short respite For the order we placed all of the quatrains in the table and at the same time reviewed the implementation of the events described in the quatrains in 2017 and 2018
So, it remains for us to
summarize and generalize forecasts for 2018. What is expected:
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