In 2014 the
political crisis in Ukraine has grown in the acute phase. Unfortunately,
blood was shed. Legal President overthrown violent manner. With the support
of Western countries, primarily the US, a major European country were
occupied by a bunch of gangsters. In the streets, armed people in masks,
their leaders, were rooted in Kiev, frankly promote Nazism. Sensible people
in the southern and Eastern regions of the country oppose the
self-proclaimed authorities. The country is on the brink of schism.
Was it possible to suggest such a scenario? Let's look at quatrain II-XXI
due date is 2011.
Honestly, we waited
for the fulfillment of this quatrain in the area of 2011, taking
into account uncertainties in 2009-2013 However, the onset of 2014
gave this verse of "new life". Interpreting this quatrain, we
suggested the possibility of the development of the dramatic events
in the black sea region, because the Black sea (Negreponte) here,
they say, is mentioned in clear text. In the context of recent
events in Ukraine in the beginning of 2014 can be given to this
verse, the following interpretation:
who arrived
(President of Ukraine
(stop in his reign unknown people)
can get help from
(he will come to the aid of forces loyal to Russia)
In the
chains and
the Black sea prepared chains and ropes to tie Ukrainian Navy)
If you support
the hypothesis that this quatrain refers to the dramatic events
in Ukraine in 2014, it can be assumed that in the future this
crisis does not escalate, for example, in world war II. Here we
are speaking about the preparation of the "chains and ropes, but
no descriptions of hostilities.
Now let's turn to current predictions
Orthodox seers about the destiny of Ukraine and
(As for Ukraine and Belarus,) those who in these
peoples against Union with Russia, even if they
consider themselves believers - become servants
of the devil. Among the Slavic peoples of common
destiny, and I say its weighty word venerable
fathers of the Kyiv-Pechersk - they, along with
a host of martyrs of the Russian beg the new
Union of three fraternal peoples.
When will a little freedom, will open churches, monasteries and will
have them repaired, all the false doctrine will come out together
with the demons and the ungodly secret (Catholics, Uniates,
Ukrainians and other self-consecrated ones) and strongly in Ukraine
will stand against the Russian Orthodox Church and its unity and
catholicity. This heretical group will support the godless power,
and therefore will be taken from the Orthodox Church and faithful to
beat. Then the Metropolitan of Kiev (unworthy of this title),
together with their edinomyshlenniki bishops and priests will
greatly weaken the Russian Church. The whole world will wonder his
iniquity, and let it be afraid. He will go away into eternal
perdition, as Judas. But all these evil slander and false doctrine
in Russia will disappear, and will be one Church Orthodox Russian.
Devil in them (self-consecrated ones and Uniates) will enter, and
they satanic malice take a stand against the Orthodox Faith and
Church, but they'll come to a shameful end, and their followers will
bear heavenly chastisement from the Lord the King of Forces.
The prophecies of St. SERAPHIM of SAROV:
Before the end of time Russia will merge into one great sea from the
other land and Slavic tribes, it will be one sea, or the enormous
universal ocean of the people's of no Lord God since ancient times
spake by the mouth of all the saints: "dangerous and invincible
Kingdom national, pan-Slavic - Gog and Magog, before which the
trembling all peoples will". And all of this - as twice two makes
four, and certainly as God is Holy, anciently predrekli about him
and his terrible dominion over the earth.
Analyzing predictions Orthodox seers can be concluded that the
Slavic peoples, first of all Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians
have a common destiny and are connected by one faith - Orthodoxy and
the existing schism among the brotherly peoples, only a temporary
phenomenon. However, the crisis between Russia and Ukraine, today on
face and it is unknown how will the events develop further.
Ukrainian crisis has deep historical roots. Current Ukraine
resembles a colorful mosaic, collected from various bits and not
always well compatible with each other.
Figure green painted: the
gifts of Stalin in 1939, 1945, yellow - gifts to the Russian tsars
1654-1917 year, red - Ukraine until 1654, blue - the gift of Lenin
in 1922, lilac - Crimea - gift Khrushchev in 1954
Therefore, and different parts of Ukraine are
quite different and linguistic and national content.
Given the historical and
current realities puzzling is the fact that until now Russian language
in Ukraine is the second state. We must pay tribute to the patience of
Russian-speaking residents of Ukraine, who for over 20 years was silent
about his unenviable position. , Which Ukraine exists now (even without
the Crimea), it is rather the Russian-Ukrainian state than Ukrainian. So
the forces that speak about independence of Ukraine (Ukrainians) have to
look the truth in the eye. If the new Russia (the territory annexed by
Lenin in 1922) and the Crimea was part of Ukraine, on Ukraine's
independence (Ukrainians) we could talk more definitely. In other cases,
we have the Russian-Ukrainian state, which is obliged to make Russian
language the second state with all the ensuing consequences. Perhaps it
is better that it be federated.
Let's sum up all the above.
1. According to the predictions of Nostradamus, quatrain I-XXI, which
probably refers to events in Ukraine, it is impossible to assume that
the Ukrainian crisis will lead to a more serious geopolitical changes
than the annexation of Crimea to Russia. Most likely will not be wide of
the armed opposition.
2. According to the predictions of the Orthodox seers crisis in
relations between the Russian and Ukrainian peoples is a temporary
phenomenon. Later we will unite peoples and reunification in one
Orthodox Church.
3. The current model of Ukrainian state does not contribute to its
unitarity and opposite bilingualism and federalization. All forcible
attempts of "Ukrainization" will meet resistance in Russian-speaking
regions. The alternative - the disintegration of Ukraine on the Central
West and Southeast.